I’ve been creating digital experiences for 10 years and enjoy exploring the intersection of overlapping systems and human interaction. With those years split between product management and design, I have a comfortable familiarity with moving ideas from early stage concept through validation to product release.
I’ve most recently nestled into the digital health space, where I’m currently a senior product designer at Prenuvo, overseeing the design for our clinical and AI tools.

Previously, I’ve worked at a number of health related startups including Ayogo, Plantiga and MetaOptima. Agency work saw me take on projects for WestJet, the Pattison Group, Genentech, BC Hydro, FEVO and Peterbilt.
Followed by a few years in multiple product roles in the fintech space.

I do my best work with pragmatic, collaborative, and focused teams on projects that can have a measurable, positive impact on our user’s lives.


As of late March 2024, this website is (quickly) under construction. Please reach out for my case study.